Sunday, May 27, 2007

The world is in danger “Global Warming”

Global Warming is the increase in the world's temperature and changes in the world's climate caused by Carbon Dioxide from our cars, factories and power plants.

Many scientists believe that the world is getting warmer and that this will affect our oceans, weather, and agriculture. Some even believe that countries and cities near the coast will disappear as sea-levels rise. Some scientist says that the temperature of the earth has become more and more warm every year. The ice on the earth has become less as it melt because of the earth getting more warm and that effects the weather and it may be change to the worse. In fact, there are two types of factors that have contributed to global warming. One Type is contributed by natural such as volcano, tornado and floods. The other was by humans such as smoke factories, cars, wars and explosions.

In conclusion, every body should be aware about “Global Warming” because it made the world in danger situation.


BO-SARAH said...

i think for the next generations the life will be very diffecult if we do not try to avoid the causes

M_Al-murry said...

Hi Bo-sarah,

I strongly agree with u, and we must unite our voices to underestimate the causes and effects of Global Warming.