Monday, May 28, 2007

Individual Action

((The two charts shows how the word is in denger))
UAE has the first highest CO2 emissions in the Gulf States per capita following it become Oman and Kuwait.

There are many things can be done individual by the UAE people to reduce the CO2 levels in there country to diminish the risk of global warming. For example, everyone should reduce the uses of vehicles and try to use public transport where it is possible. Other example is that people should plant more trees to reduce the carbon dioxide that we produce it.

In conclusion, I want to say that if one person tried will make some difference, but we must be all cooperated together and from all countries to make a big difference and try to protect the world.


Ahmed said...

Hi Mohd,,
What other things can we do to reduce Co2 & Global warming problem.?

M_Al-murry said...

Hi Ahmed,

we can do many things to reduce CO2>>>>
we can rely on renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy.

thanx for your interest and comment ^_^

Molly Kirk said...

Hi Mohammed,

I am interested in your blog. I notice that you say the same thing more than once: "If one person tried will make some difference, but...try to protect the world."

Can you give some specific ways to cooperate together?