Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What I learned during this project...

At the first, when they asked to do a Blog about the Global Warming.I felt upset because I am not amateur using computers and the internet or searching in it. I can’t deny that in beginning I found it difficult However, with the passage of time I found it interesting. While I am doing this project I have learned much information about global warming, such as the definition of it and how these issues will effects the world. From this Blog I hope to let the people knows about the Global Warming and how dangers it was, and trying to reduce the effects of it.

UAE and Global Warming

The UAE educating people through many conferences where in turn belong to businessmen and owners of large corporations One of the most important conferences of this conference, which was held in Dubai under the title ((Global Warming: The Role of the Business Community)), which supervised by H.E. José Figueres Mar ía. The conference was warns of global warming addressing and discussion the issues surrounding global climate change, and develops possible solutions. Because we no longer have much time.

  • For more details a bout this article, please Click Here

Monday, May 28, 2007

Individual Action

((The two charts shows how the word is in denger))
UAE has the first highest CO2 emissions in the Gulf States per capita following it become Oman and Kuwait.

There are many things can be done individual by the UAE people to reduce the CO2 levels in there country to diminish the risk of global warming. For example, everyone should reduce the uses of vehicles and try to use public transport where it is possible. Other example is that people should plant more trees to reduce the carbon dioxide that we produce it.

In conclusion, I want to say that if one person tried will make some difference, but we must be all cooperated together and from all countries to make a big difference and try to protect the world.

Individual Action

UAE has the first highest CO2 emissions in the Gulf States per capita following it become Oman and Kuwait.

There are many things can be done individual by the UAE people to reduce the CO2 levels in there country to diminish the risk of global warming. For example, everyone should reduce the uses of vehicles and try to use public transport where it is possible. Other example is that people should plant more trees to reduce the carbon dioxide that we produce it.

In conclusion, I want to say that if one person tried will make some difference, but we must be all cooperated together and from all countries to make a big difference and try to protect the world.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

One Effect

There are many effects for the global warming and the biggest effect is that the changing in the climate temperature which will result in making the earth warmer.

The warming of the weather is caused by greenhouse gases. Gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane and nitrous oxide are all increasing in the earth’s atmosphere because of human activities.

These gases help to keep the heat in earth’s atmosphere, but the earth become hotter because the percentages of these gases were increasing more than it in the past.
First it affects the plant, it makes the plant warmer and from these effects the life on the earth will also affect the human and animals or plants. We shouldn’t be lightly and complacency because it is a horrible problem that will effect the whole earth.

Global Warming Effects

There are many effects of global warming and many changes occur from global warming, which make our life and our environment in risk. One of the main effects of global warming is that sea level will rise as high as sinking an island, It would also threaten many coastal islands. Another effect is that it increased extreme weather events, and the expansion of the range of the tropical diseases. Yet another effects of global warming is that the rising in temperatures and climate, which making the earth warmer.

One causes

One of the main causes of global warming is (NASA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Scientists have found that a major form of global air pollution involved in summertime "smog" has also played a significant role in warming the arctic, it will first and foremost affect the ozone layer.
The Ozone layer plays several different roles in the Earth’s atmosphere. In the high-altitude region of the stratosphere, ozone acts to shield the planet from harmful ultraviolet radiation. In the lower portion of the atmosphere (the troposphere), ozone can damage human health. The damage of Ozone is also a greenhouse gas and it can be harmful to contribute to global warming.